Doorman Security Services is on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide high-quality Residential Protection Services services in the UK, and other European countries.
We will provide access to visitors when you cannot.
Whether you wish to allow access to friends or family, or for contractors to enter your property for any reason, you can rest assured that a timely service will be always provided with your home security in mind.
The Residential Security Team is arguably one of the most important roles in the CP Team
The role of the RST is dictated by under duties of a Close Protection Team:
The Bodyguard (personal and immediate protection)
The Defensive Driver (Travel protection)
The personal escort section (Venue and personal support security)
The daily routine of an affluent household is a particularly busy one. Authorized trades attending to various needs, pool maintenance, and home repairs coupled with the to and from of employed domestic staff dictate that someone keep a consistent watch on individual’s movements, whilst ensuring access points are kept secure.
Unscheduled deliveries could be an attempt to enter the inner layer of security with the intention to invade the property.
The security officers must be always aware of the minutia, even when the property is unoccupied.
When the principal and their family are sleeping, the RST offers a comfort blanket of safety and security.
We say safety and not just security because the RST will continuously monitor the fire alarms, CCTV, and any other health and safety elements. Statistically, a fire is just as likely to occur in a residential property as a burglary. Just like a burglary, the sooner the threat is addressed, the safer the family will be.
A waking presence in the house will quickly identify smoke and swiftly engage the necessary protocols. Carefully designed and rehearsed action plans increase the chances of getting the family to safety whilst protecting the house and assets therein.
Every Residential Security Team is assembled to the client’s specific needs and tailored to their individual risk appetite. If the home was designed with strong security features including intruder detection and CCTV coverage, one security officer could monitor, manage and control security from one central hub (a security room). If the estate is vast or has listed building restrictions that can limit the security of windows and doors, additional officers will be required in which to perform routine checks whilst maintaining CCTV vigilance.
Large estates may require additional protection officers, employed to patrol external areas. It is worth it to note, that internal security officers should never leave the safety of the house to patrol outside with the keys in their possession. This is one of the biggest RST mistakes that could offer criminals an easy and quiet route into the home. It is also the operating procedure that is most questioned by house managers and clients who want their perimeter checked. A lone security officer, who breaks the security seal of the house to undertake an external patrol with keys in their possession, could be quickly and easily overpowered by anyone lying in wait.
Ideally, the house would be locked down at night, with the security of doors and windows maintained as the perimeter. A separate security officer, who maintains communication links to the inner RST officer, conducts external checks. An external patrol can be a visible deterrent but not to a determined criminal group.
Who is being targeted?
The burglary of high-value homes is in many cases, being displaced from central London to areas where home security is less prevalent, but the proceeds of the criminal act are still substantial.
If you have a home that makes you an attractive target for professional criminals, you would be wise to objectively consider how secure you feel in your home and how secure your home appears to the passer-by.
The greatest technical security devices are only as good as the people who respond to their activation.